8 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Presentation Designer

Presentations are your time to shine! But how do you find the perfect presentation designer to help make your ideas pop? Fear not, we’ve got you covered! Check out these important questions to ask potential designers and make sure your next presentation is a blockbuster hit.

We’ve compiled a list of important questions to ask potential designers so you can find the perfect match and create presentations that will have your audience on the edge of their seats.

1. What is your experience with designing presentations?

It’s essential to work with a designer who has extensive experience in designing presentations. You’ll want to make sure that the designer has worked on projects similar to yours, and that their style and expertise align with your project’s goals and audience. Don’t be afraid to ask for examples of their previous work, including decks they’ve designed for other clients.

2. What is your process for designing presentations?

Every designer may have their own process for designing presentations. To ensure that both you and the designer are on the same page, ask them to walk you through their process and how they’ll approach your project. This will help make sure that your expectations are clear and that the project runs smoothly.

3. How do you approach revisions and feedback?

The revision process is critical for ensuring that the presentation meets your needs and goals. Make sure the designer has a clear process for collecting feedback and revisions, and ask how many rounds of revisions are included in their pricing. Knowing this beforehand can help avoid any unexpected additional costs.

4. How do you handle tight deadlines?

Deadlines are an essential part of any project, especially presentations that often have tight deadlines. Make sure the designer can work within your timeline and has a process in place for managing deadlines. Ask about their turnaround time, and whether they offer expedited services for an additional fee.

5. What is your pricing structure?

Pricing is an important consideration when choosing a designer. Ask about their pricing structure, whether it’s based on an hourly rate, project fee, or retainer. Make sure the pricing aligns with your budget and includes all the necessary services, such as revisions and final delivery of the presentation. Consider asking for a detailed breakdown of costs to avoid any hidden fees.

6. What is your communication process?

Clear and consistent communication is key to a successful project. Ask the designer about their communication process, how they’ll keep you updated on progress, and how you can provide feedback or ask questions. It’s essential to establish a clear line of communication upfront to avoid any miscommunication down the road.

7. What software do you use?

Different designers may use different software for creating presentations, such as PowerPoint, Keynote, or Prezi. Ask the designer about their preferred software and how they can ensure that the presentation is compatible with your devices and software. You’ll want to make sure that the final presentation is easily accessible and viewable on your devices.

8. What is your availability?

Make sure the designer has availability to work on your project and that their timeline aligns with yours. You don’t want to choose a designer who’s overbooked and won’t have the time to focus on your project. Consider asking about their availability during weekends or outside of regular business hours, in case you need to make last-minute changes.

Choosing the right presentation designer is crucial to ensuring that your presentations are effective and engaging. By asking the right questions and understanding the designer’s process, experience, pricing, communication, and availability, you can ensure a smooth project and a successful presentation. With these tips in mind, your next presentation is sure to be a hit!

Mike Macasero

Mike Macasero

He is the Founder and Head of Design at Slideckly, which offers PowerPoint presentation design services. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business with a concentration in Management Information Systems. In his free time, he enjoys playing guitar, singing karaoke, reading non-fiction, and learning new skills.